
Showing all 23 results

Grundfos JP 3-42 PM1

Grundfos JP 3-42PM1


Length: 186mm
Width: 405mm
Height: 390mm

Length: 360mm
Width: mm
Height: 480mm

Length: 360mm
Width: mm
Height: 480mm
3 yr warranty

Length: 290mm
Width: mm
Height: 480mm


Hyjet HSJ370


Length: 365mm
Width: mm
Height: 370mm

Length: 290mm
Width: mm
Height: 480mm

Submersible – HHR370s

HHR20370s submersible


Length: 120mm
Width: mm
Height: 978mm

Length: 443mm
Width: mm
Height: 385mm

Length: 443mm
Width: mm
Height: 385mm


Hyjet HCM4-60


Length: 443mm
Width: mm
Height: 385mm


Hyjet HSJ550


Length: 355mm
Width: mm
Height: 400mm

Length: 130mm
Width: 130mm
Height: 520mm

Length: 130mm
Width: 150mm
Height: 540mm

Length: 110mm
Width: mm
Height: 980mm

Length: 385mm
Width: mm
Height: 443mm


Hyjet HSJ1000


Length: 415mm
Width: mm
Height: 410mm

Length: 443mm
Width: mm
Height: 470mm

Length: 150mm
Width: 150mm
Height: 565mm

Length: mm
Width: 160mm
Height: 664mm

Length: mm
Width: 160mm
Height: 664mm

Length: 178mm
Width: mm
Height: 445mm

Length: 370mm
Width: mm
Height: 480mm

Length: 200mm
Width: 95mm
Height: 160mm

The most important things to consider when purchasing a house pump is the following:

  • Sufficient pressure
  • Tenure of the pump and warranty
  • Noise of the pump
  • Reliability of the pump

House pump?

In short the house pump will be either:

  • Mains Connected
  • Non-Mains Connected

MAINS Connected Pumps

A rain to mains water pump contains a change over valve that allow water pumps to switch between water from the tank and mains water supply.

This valve ensures a reliable water supply for the whole house water supply. It’s is estimated that households can save up to 40% of water when they install a water tank pump. Some properties use full rain water for the complete water supply even though they have access to mains water.

We would always recommend an automatic changeover valve. This intelligent valve can determine when the water in the tank is low and will automatically switch to mains water supply.

NON-MAINS Connected Pumps

Some locations in Australia do not have access to mains water supply ie rural or semi rural properties. These properties must use pumps with No-mains changeover valve.

A pump to service the full home that does not have mains water is the most integral decision to ensure constant water supply. Its most important to ensure the pressure of the pump to ensure your showers are not impacted by poor pressure.

All non-mains pumps have an automatic shut down when the tank water is not sufficient. This is to protect the motor.

As a final note, please remember the best water tank pump for your property must have sufficient water pressure to ensure that you wont be disappointed.